Viewing the Chinese world through the lens of religion
Ways of Being Religious

What is Chinese religion? Buddhism? Daosim? Indeed, religious practices in the Chinese world often cut across the boundaries of these traditions. This section presents the “ways of being religious” from an alternative perspective, depicting the lives of Chinese people in villages, cities, and ethnic minority regions.
Culture & Society

In the realm of Chinese world, Religion, Culture, and Society interweave together tightly and are almost inseparable from each other. This section interprets social and cultural issues of the body, gender, the environment, and philanthropy through the lens of religion.
Politics & Economy

Is China an atheist country? It’s hard to answer, but we can first study the interactions between religion, politics, and economy. This sections presents the evolving sociopolitical system and religion policies in China, where you can see the resilience feature of Chinese people’s religious life.

What will globalization bring to Chinese religion? Or should we ask what will Chinese religion bring to the world? Immigration, the growth of transnational religious associations, the growing popularization of Chinese religions in the West…… these are all aspects of the globalization of Chinese religious life that we need to know.
Contributing scholars

Adam Yuet Chau, Department of East Asian Studies, The University of Cambridge

Thomas DuBois, College of Asia and the Pacific, Australian National University

Lizhu Fan, Department of Sociology, Fudan University

Vincent Goossaert, Groupe sociétés, religions, laïcités, Centre national de recherche scientifi, Paris

C. Julia Huang, Institute of Anthropology, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan

André Laliberté, School of Political Studies, University of Ottawa

Richard Madsen, Department of Sociology, The University of California, San Diego

David A. Palmer, Department of Sociology, The University of Hong Kong

Kristofer Schipper, Emeritus Professor, Leiden University

Glenn Shive, Executive Director of Hong Kong-America Center

Wai Lun Tam, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Yik-fai Tam, Department of Religion and Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist University

Robert P. Weller, Institute on Culture, Religion and World Affairs, Boston University

Philip L. Wickeri, Interdisciplinary Studies, The Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley

Fenggang Yang, Center on Religion and Chinese Society, Purdue University